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January 23-26 2024 | Sala degli Stemmi

Concept, direction and choreography Lucia Ermetto

Teatro Massimo Ballet
Ballet Director Jean-Sébastien Colau



Reduced price for students: 4 €
Full price: 10 €
For further information

The show in brief

The plot

A unique and engaging show that will take us on a journey of discovery into the extraordinary life and art of one of the most iconic artists of the 20th century, a symbol of strength, passion and determination. Through dance, music and theatre, we will explore the deepest facets of Frida Kahlo: her personal challenges, intense relationships, passion for Mexico and her political commitment.

This is an events for school groups.

In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.


Monday, March 4 2024 | Main Stage

Conductor Michele De Luca
Dramaturgy and Acting Paolo Migone
Massimo Kids Orchestra

Comedian Paolo Migone explains that classical music is not something incomprehensible or particularly strange, but is first and foremost music.
So why not let ourselves be moved and involved by the music of the great composers? Migone guides us into a universe unknown to many, and he does it in his own way, with absolute originality, lots of irony and without any prejudice or pretentious snobbery. The show is engaging, entertaining, enriched by slides, and in the narration four of the most incredible musicians in the history of music are associated with the four elements: Vivaldi with the water, Bach with the earth, Mozart with the air, Beethoven with the fire, as if to emphasise the indispensability of music for humanity.


Full price: 12 €
Student concession: 5 €



Music by

J. S. Bach, A. Vivaldi, W. A. Mozart, L. van Beethoven

Spoken parts of the performance are in Italian; a basic understanding of the language is adviced.

This performance is for school groups. In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.

Sunday March 3 performance is open to everyone.


Based on Turandot by Giacomo Puccini
Musical dramaturgy Anna Pedrazzini

Performance with pianist, singer and actors
Directed by Massimiliano Burini
Masks and costumes Mariella Carbone

New staging – AsLiCo Production
Opera Kids – 15th edition

Running time: 50 minutes

from 5 to 8 years old | Reservations from January 8th


Students 5 €
Full price 12 €
Reduced price 10 €
For more information


The plot

In an ethereal scene, lit by a soft, delicate light, a garden of bare peach trees appears. The petals of the flowers have fallen to the ground, the lanterns still hang from the branches. It seems that winter has passed or is about to arrive. Three characters behind their masks, like shadows, appear on the scene. They tell an ancient story, that of Princess Turandot, victim of a curse that has involved the whole kingdom. Her frozen heart cannot love, feel emotions and so her kingdom loses vigour, light and hope. Only the arrival of someone of great courage could break the spell that has made her the Ice Princess and the whole kingdom could return to shine and love.


March 20 – 23 2024 | Main Stage, Teatro Massimo

by Venti Lucenti

inspired by Richard Wagner‘s Tristan und Isolde
Written and directed by Manu Lalli
Assistant Director Chiara Casalbuoni
Original music, arrangements and transcriptions Simone Piraino
Conductor Daniele Malinverno (March 20, 22) / Michele De Luca (March 21)
Voce dal mare
Natasa Kátai (March 21) / Maria Cristina Napoli  (March 20, 22)
Narrators Pietro Massaro and Oriana Martucci
Teatro Massimo Orchestra and Chorus
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo
with pupils and teachers of the schools IC Alessandra Siragusa and Istituto Minutoli Ecoscuola

For audiences aged 6 to 12 | Reservations from January 10th

Photographs Franco Lannino


Students 5 €
Full price 12 €
Reduced price 10 €
For more information


The plot

The legend of Tristan and Isolde, one of the most romantic stories of the Middle Ages, is very old: it tells the adventures of a knight and a princess who fall in love thanks to a magic elixir. Wagner composed the opera based on Goffredo di Strasburgo’s text and staged it in 1865. It is still considered one of the masterpieces of all time. The version that will be performed, while maintaining the essential dramaturgical and musical lines intact, is adapted in such a way as to exalt the magical and symbolic fairy-tale aspects of the story, which has at its centre important themes linked to the imaginary and ideal horizon of the world of chivalry, such as the search for love, the relationship between public morality and private morality, sin and fidelity.

Spoken parts of the performance are in Italian; a basic understanding of the language is adviced.

Performances from Tue to Fri are events for school groups. In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.


April 16 – 20 2024 | Main Stage, Teatro Massimo
by Venti Lucenti

inspired by Richard Wagner‘s Tristan und Isolde
Written and directed by Manu Lalli
Assistant Director Chiara Casalbuoni
Original music, arrangements and transcriptions Simone Piraino

Conductor Michele De Luca (April 16, 17, 19) / Daniele Malinverno (April 18, 20)
Voce dal mare Natasa Kátai (April 16, 17, 19) / Maria Cristina Napoli  (April 18, 20)
Narrators Pietro Massaro and Oriana Martucci
Teatro Massimo Orchestra and Chorus
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo
with pupils and teachers of the schools IC Rita Atria and IC Guglielmo Marconi
Teatro Massimo Orchestra and Chorus
Chorus Master Salvatore Punturo

For audiences aged 6 to 12 | School reservations open on January 10th


Students 5 €
Full price 12 €
Reduced price 10 €
For more information


The plot

The legend of Tristan and Isolde, one of the most romantic stories of the Middle Ages, is very old: it tells the adventures of a knight and a princess who fall in love thanks to a magic elixir. Wagner composed the opera based on Goffredo di Strasburgo’s text and staged it in 1865. It is still considered one of the masterpieces of all time. The version that will be performed, while maintaining the essential dramaturgical and musical lines intact, is adapted in such a way as to exalt the magical and symbolic fairy-tale aspects of the story, which has at its centre important themes linked to the imaginary and ideal horizon of the world of chivalry, such as the search for love, the relationship between public morality and private morality, sin and fidelity.

Spoken parts of the performance are in Italian; a basic understanding of the language is adviced.

Performances from Tue to Fri are events for school groups. In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.

The performance on Saturday April 20 is open to everyone.


Freely inspired by Turandot by G. Puccini
Musical dramaturgy by Anna Pedrazzini
Direction Sara Zanobbio
Sets Miria Mesiano
Costumes Cantieri del Teatro – Como

April 10 – 13 2024 | Sala ONU

New staging
Production AsLiCo
Opera Baby – 9th edition

from 3 to 5 years old


Students 4 €
Full price 10 €
Reduced price 8 €
For more information


The plot

What a big mountain of boxes! So many locks, laces and padlocks… what could possibly be hidden back there? One foot… two hands… three musical notes… one eye… two lips… three riddles to be solved by dawn. Are you in there, Turandot? Calaf is looking for you! Are you sure you won’t come out? Look at your wings. Your cocoon is just a moment, a before, which will become a butterfly afterwards. Don’t be afraid!

Performances from Tue to Fri are events for school groups.

Sat performances are for 3-5 years-old children with their families.

HERE all information (in Italian) about the Educational project for schools.


May 7 – 19 2024 | Sala ONU

Dramaturgy Silvia Ajelli
with music by W. A. Mozart
Original music, arrangements and transcriptions by Simone Piraino
Conductor Michele De Luca
Scene Elements Stefano Canzoneri
Costumes Marja Hoffmann
Teatro Massimo Orchestra


Amadè Silvia Ajelli
Papageno/Commendatore/Figaro Giuseppe Esposito (7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 19) / Mariano Orozco (8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 18)
Papagena/Donna Elvira/Susanna Martina Mazzola (7, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18) / Federica Foresta (8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19)

Teatro Massimo Orchestra


Students 4 €
Full price 10 €
Reduced price 8 €
For more information


The plot

The show introduces the young audience to the discovery of Mozart’s life and his music through encounters with the most famous characters from his works, in a theatrical play that mixes life and theatre.

Spoken parts of the performance are in Italian; a basic understanding of the language is adviced. 

Performances from Tue to Fri are events for school groups. In case seats are available to the general audience, they will be on sale on the same day of performance at the box-office.

Sat and Sun performances are open to everyone.

HERE all information (in Italian) about the Educational project for schools.


Please notice that the performance scheduled on May 21 has been postponed to May 23.
The tickets already bought for May 21 will still be valid for the new date.

Conductor Michele De Luca
Choirmaster Giuseppe Ricotta
Dramaturgy and direction Gianpaolo Bellanca e Myriam Leone
from an idea by Pippo Lo Manto
Music by Alberto Maniaci, Ola Gjelo, Robert W. Smith, Simone Piraino, Giuseppe Ricotta
Video projections and images Claudio Di Domenico
Sketches Christian Lanni
Pictorial realisation Christian Lanni (Selva Oscura), Giuseppe Accardo (Inferno), Candida Ilenia Scalia (Purgatorio)
Giuseppe Ciaccio (Ascension), Innocenzo Mancuso (Paradise) Set Design Department of the Fondazione Teatro Massimo
Stage movements
 Mariella Petrotta
Assistant director Francesco D’Amico

Compagnia Volti dal Kaos
Cantoria of the Teatro Massimo
Massimo K&Y Symphonic Band

For audiences aged 12 and over


Performance of May 21st (for families):

10€ to 25€

Performance on May 23nd (for families):

Students 5 €
Full price 12 €
Reduced price 10 €
For more information



Robert W. Smith

The Divine Comedy


dai 10 ai 16 anni

Ideazione, regia e coreografia Lucia Ermetto



Frida Francesca Davoli (25, 27 ore 10.00) / Giada Scimemi (26, 27 ore 11.30)
Diego Rivera Diego Millesimo (25, 27 ore 10.00) / Daniele Chiodo (26, 27 ore 11.30)
Cristina, sorella di Frida Giada Scimemi (25, 27 ore 10.00) / Francesca Davoli (26, 27 ore 11.30)
Alter ego di Diego Rivera Benedetto Oliva
Stati d’animo di Frida Simona Filippone, Romina Leone, Valentina Zaja

Corpo di ballo del Teatro Massimo
Direttore del Corpo di ballo Jean-Sébastien Colau


Ridotto studenti: 4 €
Intero: 10 €
Per maggiori informazioni

Lo spettacolo in breve

La trama

Uno spettacolo unico e coinvolgente che ci porterà alla scoperta della straordinaria vita e arte di una delle artiste più iconiche del XX secolo, simbolo di forza, passione e determinazione. Attraverso la danza, la musica e il teatro, esploreremo le sfaccettature più profonde di Frida Kahlo: le sue sfide personali, il suo rapporto con la diversità, le relazioni intense, la passione per il Messico.

Ph. Rosellina Garbo

Questo è uno spettacolo per i gruppi scolastici e le famiglie.
Per le recite infrasettimanali le scuole devono prenotare compilando il modulo.
QUI tutte le informazioni sul progetto Educational per le scuole. 

Eventuali biglietti disponibili per le recite infrasettimanali saranno messi in vendita presso la biglietteria la mattina stessa dello spettacolo.