Furniture, IT equipment, rental of costumes, stage sets, laundry. The Teatro Massimo is renewing its list of suppliers for all categories of purchases. Companies may apply for registration for the procurement of goods and services.
Office furniture and furnishings, computer equipment, electrical material, work clothes, laundry services, set design and special effects, rental and purchase of theatrical jewellery, wigs, footwear, costumes. The Fondazione Teatro Massimo is renewing the list of suppliers for the different types of purchases in order to constitute a reserve of firms to be invited in the case of the awarding of goods and services. Companies interested in registration must submit an application on plain paper specifying the product categories for which they request registration, enclosing a certificate of registration with the Chamber of Commerce not older than six months or, in the case of a cooperative, with the prefectorial register. Applications for registration must be sent by post or delivered by hand, or by certified mail “” or in an envelope marked “Elenco Fornitori-riservato-non aprire” to Ufficio Acquisti Fondazione Teatro Massimo – piazza Aragonesi snc – 90134 – Palermo.
For information, 091.6053427.
The application form is available on the Foundation’s website, www.teatromassimo. it.The Foundation reserves the right to resort to Consip for any purchases or rentals. The renewal of the supplier list has no effect on framework agreements and contracts being executed by private treaty and in economy.
Below is the complete list of product sectors:
- Office furniture and furnishings
- Personal computers and IT equipment
- Electrical equipment
- Hardware and tools
- Lumber, plywood and chipboard
- Workwear
- Accident-prevention material
- Laundry service
- Audio-Video equipment rental
- Carpentry work
- Blacksmithing works
- Scenographic structures
- Scenographic special effects
- Paints and special products for high scenography
- Rental and purchase of wigs
- Stage equipment hire and purchase
- Costume hire and purchase
- Miscellaneous tailoring materials